Wednesday 13 February 2013

This is a more solid layout and background for our final graphic. We just need to re arrange to include type, with information, and possibly change of a few colours to incorporate the information better. We still need to add in the character that become the oil and other wee bits and pieces.

The brown boxes will be used for storing information.

Anna have you broken down the information to be added into the graphic? How many stages and how many lines of type? So i have an idea of rearranging the layout.


  1. See-(Animated and Comic Story Boards-Rough) for stages and text. Ive done a better version of Stage 4 with less type, and the use of labbeling, Ill show you that tomorrow. Also, The Dinosaur and Cavemen that the boys are developing will need there own boxes as they are on land, but they'll demonstrate the passage of time nicely-see (A Rough Animation Base Layout) From Anna

  2. P.S. I really like the style used here
