Saturday 9 February 2013

FOR SARA to see


(I) Show death of the Plankton and Scientist’s guy
(II) Pan across to
PHASE 2 BOX PHASE 2 BOX Copy and paste the BL into Scene 2
(III) Bring in the layers over the plankton one at a time
(IV) Drop down and across to
PHASE 3 BOX (XI) Stop Up here at the Cap Rock PHASE 3 BOX Copy and Paste the BL into Scene 3
(V) Show plankton being squished by sediment and Scientist
(VI) Pan across to
PHASE 4 BOX PHASE 4 BOX Copy and paste the BL into Scene 4
(VII) Kerogen change to Crude Oil and Scientist (VIII) Pan across to PHASE 5 BOX PHASE 5 BOX Copy and paste the BL into Scene 4
(IX) Create one set of passages for the oil that fills the entire box (X) Pan up to the top of the box-
show the oil travelling up the passages in the rock
Create One Base Layout (BL). If we use 5 separate scenes in Flash, the full animation will be much easier to control and edit. This Base Layout will only show what’s on the it all the way through, (minus the added animations), e.g. The Dying Plankton and the Scientist

Sara, I worked on this Layout for the Animated Version, and if you think its alright i can go ahead and create a template for it on Tuesday. You seem to have a more clear idea of how the comic one should work, so If you want to create a template for that, you go ahead. I had an idea for how to do the 'Oil Seeping' up scene in comic form, but im having trouble putting pictures up on the net for some reason. I'll try again later.

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