Monday 4 February 2013

Meeting Minutes - 4th Feb 2013

     As weekend work we were each set the task of having our own individual research and sketches. Most of us had looked at what kind of character would be used as a focus point in our e-learn course ranging from the evolution of man to a characterised oil drum to a cartoon plankton. We decided that our main character was going to be some form of mad scientist and that we were going to use a technique similar to rotoscoping, which is to draw over an existing photograph digitally.

     We had some sketches of storyboards that we each sketched up and started to discuss what we were all thinking. There was a lot of ideas bouncing about so we thought that we would make sure we all knew what order the information went so we made a simple storyboard of six windows. We came to the conclusion that the comic strip idea may not be as effective but take elements from it like realistic characters and the typical comic book font.

     We each made our own storyboards and saw what each of us came up with. We know that we will definitely have a scientist character in a classroom environment. Our task for our next group meeting is to make our designs digitally sticking to the theme of graphic style. We will present what we have come up with and make a final decision on what tasks will be assigned to whom.

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