Wednesday 20 February 2013

Today I was working on the paper print out part and I got the acetate sheet done too but it seems the A4 background "fitted " to the page as it was being printed as it now does not match the top sheet. I will work on the background print out first thing tomorrow morning.  Despite this I think it looks very good and I think it works very well for the purpose it has been designed for as an additional piece.


Tuesday 19 February 2013

Thats the text finished-Anybody spots a mistake, let me know will you? Fresh pairs of eyes, and all that.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Has anyone has any ideas on script and voice over for presentation? I haven't got round to doing anything yet and wondering if its something we could have written down to get it sorted tomorrow?
Anna, Seb and Tynelle which days are you in college?

Is there any chance that anyone else can come in while they are in college too so we can stick together as much as we can before Thursday? It is just so we all know what has been happening and the progress that has been made.
Also can I have the file with the Oil rig please.

Right guys I am not able to do anything on Flash. Everything that I saved has been lost because im using CS5 not 6 like at college so were going to have to work very hard to get it done as quick as possible. Sorry guys I have tried everything I can think of but its not going to work.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Main character animations

The animations here are on a single cycle but when they get placed into the main animation they will be on a loop.

Development on computer

Sketch for development on computer

This is a more solid layout and background for our final graphic. We just need to re arrange to include type, with information, and possibly change of a few colours to incorporate the information better. We still need to add in the character that become the oil and other wee bits and pieces.

The brown boxes will be used for storing information.

Anna have you broken down the information to be added into the graphic? How many stages and how many lines of type? So i have an idea of rearranging the layout.

Tuesday 12 February 2013


A Rough Animation Base Layout showing only what is always there (except for Sebastian's Dinosaur)
Rough Story Board of Animated Version-We can easily add in extra scenes-this just shows the essentials

Animated and Comic Story Boards-Rough

Showing how animated version will work, and how the comic version will need to be different to convey movement and the process of time


Monday 11 February 2013

Pictures of main character

Playing with backgrounds, I need some opinions and if possible and PDF of the characters to add into layouts. Only used the type I have found as example.
Let mw know ideas.

Saturday 9 February 2013

FOR SARA to see


(I) Show death of the Plankton and Scientist’s guy
(II) Pan across to
PHASE 2 BOX PHASE 2 BOX Copy and paste the BL into Scene 2
(III) Bring in the layers over the plankton one at a time
(IV) Drop down and across to
PHASE 3 BOX (XI) Stop Up here at the Cap Rock PHASE 3 BOX Copy and Paste the BL into Scene 3
(V) Show plankton being squished by sediment and Scientist
(VI) Pan across to
PHASE 4 BOX PHASE 4 BOX Copy and paste the BL into Scene 4
(VII) Kerogen change to Crude Oil and Scientist (VIII) Pan across to PHASE 5 BOX PHASE 5 BOX Copy and paste the BL into Scene 4
(IX) Create one set of passages for the oil that fills the entire box (X) Pan up to the top of the box-
show the oil travelling up the passages in the rock
Create One Base Layout (BL). If we use 5 separate scenes in Flash, the full animation will be much easier to control and edit. This Base Layout will only show what’s on the it all the way through, (minus the added animations), e.g. The Dying Plankton and the Scientist

Sara, I worked on this Layout for the Animated Version, and if you think its alright i can go ahead and create a template for it on Tuesday. You seem to have a more clear idea of how the comic one should work, so If you want to create a template for that, you go ahead. I had an idea for how to do the 'Oil Seeping' up scene in comic form, but im having trouble putting pictures up on the net for some reason. I'll try again later.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Some experimenting with layout, colours and our crazy scientist character. I feel the colours need to be more defined and we need to do more research into how that works with the style that we are going for.

Scientist Development
